The new ZTL in Abano Terme, which came into force on 2 May 2019, will also affect for a short stretch the guests of our hotel, who will access with their own car or motorbike, from the rear car park.
Called Varco 2, the section of the ZTL that concerns us, is between the intersection of Piazza Cortesi and Via Amerigo Vespucci and is the short stretch that allows our guests to access the hotel’s internal car park. The hotel’s main entrance, on the other hand, faces directly onto the pedestrian zone, which is closed to traffic.
The introduction of the ZTL is aimed at increasing the safety of the area, protecting the historical-artistic and building heritage and guaranteeing greater public safety.
The limited traffic zone will be regulated by a permanent ban on transit and parking for all unauthorised vehicles, on all weekdays and holidays from 00.00 to 24.00.
We will take care of everything. We kindly ask you to inform us of your car number plate upon arrival (at check in), so that you can circulate freely throughout your stay at the hotel.
If you would like to apply for the pass before your arrival and register yourself, you can go to this link https://ztl.abanoterme.net/?c=login&a=index and follow the instructions.